revoked_revoked uefi bootloader

revoked_revoked uefi bootloader

日期: 分类:社交聊天软件 大小:未知 人气:64

revoked n名词有牌不跟,藏牌 牌犯规另出他牌 取消 废弃 v动词有牌不跟,藏牌 收回,唤回,召还 作废, 废止,取消,解除,废除 牌犯规另出他牌 推翻 撤回,撤销,吊销 lt罕回想,重新唤起 使无。

revoked adj法取消的v撤销,取消,废除 revoke的过去式和过去分词 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问。

revoke 英r#618#712v#601#650k 美r#618#712vo#650kvt 废除 撤销,取消vi 有牌不跟例句The government revoked her husband#39s license to operate migrant labor cre。

revoked 是被吊销,宣布无效的意思,含有因违法行为而导致的处罚的意思,而deregister是撤销登记的意思。


撤退用英语口语怎么说1放弃阵地或占领的地区 withdraw retreat pull out 2计算机 fallback 例句The fleet withdrew without loss 舰队安然撤退,一艘船只也未被击中Our forces retired to prepared po。

Revoke的意思是“取消废除使无效”,例如The government formally revoked the state of emergency政府正式解除紧急状态 高晓松的醉驾导致fourcar pileup四辆车连环相撞,三人受伤,目前他被拘留在detention。



你好,我靠 看来你真的非常急解决办法为确保CA公钥基础架构的统一性,CA管理员需要在确定的该证书不再可用的情况下才能吊销该证书当一个证书被吊销后,该证书将会被添加到证书吊销列表Certificate Revocation List。

Have you revoked your right to counsel?旧钞票逐渐被收回,不再流通The old banknotes are being withdrawn from circulation接下来就马上把合同收回Follow up to get the signed contract back quickly。

ContextCompatcheckSelfPermissionmRevokedPermissions 这个单词翻译过来就是取消的权限,可以引申为没授权的权限,HashSet保证每个权限在Set中都是唯一的,没有重复的权限 permission?10。

revoked_revoked uefi bootloader

最近我整理了一份敏感关键词合集,需要的话,可以拿走,都是自己踩过的 有时在生成图像的时候会碰到错误The word XXX is banned Circumventing this filter to violate our rules may result in your access being revoke。

司法制度judiciary 或者 judicial system 需要说明的是,除了“司法制度”有固定的译法,其他两个的翻译都比较活,不一定一字不差,举几个例子1The higher court of Guangdong revoked that verdict and ordered the。


The police came to the scene, and he was taken to hospital Naturally, he had to stay in hospital for several days Worse still, his driving license was revokedHow he regretted what he had done。

the quotLicensequot6The school should return the quotLicensequot to Issuing Authority when the school is revoked The quotLicensequot will be invalid after being revoked by the issuing authority我觉得很正确,你再看看。

标签: revoked



