
日期: 频道:新闻资讯 阅读:83

偏好的英语单词怎么写? preference n偏爱 preferen predilection n偏爱,嗜好 favourite 这也是偏爱的意思 preference 偏爱爱好喜爱 偏好;拼音pīan jìan 英语bias partiality 基本解释prejudicebias 片面的见解成见固执的偏见,不应有的偏见 详细解释 1从侧面看到汉书·杜邺传“疏贱独偏见,疑内亦有此类” 颜师古 注邺 自谓傍观而见之也”。

表示特别喜欢的单词是favorite,还可以用词组like sth in particular表示特别喜欢望采纳,谢谢;谓 岳忠武 不当班师” 徐迟 地质之光“凡是胸无偏见的真正有成就的科学家,毕竟是有正义感的”偏见的英文翻译 bias partiality prejudice a prejudiced view a biased view a onesided view。

20210716 · 点击关注外教一对一,轻松流利说英语 阿卡索外教网 阿卡索外教网专注在线外一对一英语培训,一节课低至138元 向TA提问 关注 展开全部 偏爱英语表达partial,partialness,相对的短语be partial to,对偏。



1、should be dealt with according to their deserts by the officers concerned in order to manifest Your Majesty#39s impartial and enlightened administration Partiality is wrong, as is one law for the court and anoth。

2、动词 preferfavor 形容词 preferred,preferable,preferntialfavored 名词 preferencefavoritism 其中prefer偏向于喜爱 favored偏向于偏袒。

3、3welldisposed totowards sb好感,disposed后面也可以加sth,表示赞同某事4have a partiality for特别喜欢,偏好he has a partiality for his youngest daughter have a soft spot weakness for内心柔软的。


partiality in treating client

1、偏心PARTIALITY, BIAS 例句He is free from any bias他毫不偏心。


3、“偏心”反义词公平 读音 gōng píng 基本解释1公正不偏不倚,公平合理 2指对一切有关的人公正平等的对待,公平分配 3合理公平交易。

4、全部手工翻译,坚决反对机器“不说人话”的胡搅蛮缠翻译1Christian theory of education is incompatible to that of nationalism A proper theory of education must include moral qualities such as inpartiality , kindliness and a。

5、偏心的解释partialitybias 对某人或某物的 偏爱 他丝毫没有偏心 详细解释 谓心存偏向,不 公正 陈书·傅縡传 “论中道而执偏心,语忘怀而竞独胜” 西游记 七六回“ 师父 也忒 护短 ,忒偏心。

6、Partiality is wrong, as is one law for the court and another for the regions The High Ministers Fei Yi, Guo Youzhi, and Dong Yun are honest men, devotedly anxious to be loyal to the last degree wherefore His。

7、He had a prejudice against them他对他们有偏见2bias 指“依个人好恶或成见提出有偏差的意见或判断”, 如He had a bias toward the plan他对这项计划有偏见3partiality 指“偏袒”或“偏爱”, 如He。

标签: partiality



