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cooperation的动词是cooperatecooperate是个动词,其含义为“协助配合合作协作”,其第三人称单数是cooperates,现在分词是cooperating,过去式是cooperated,过去分词是cooperated;developing western region in technology , extending the opening up to the outside world , cooperating beeen the eastern and western region to develop pletely , developing urban economy , accelerating private enter;cooperation n 合作,协作 英英解释名词 cooperation1 joint operation or action 2 the practice of cooperating difference n 不同,差异 英英解释名词 difference1 the quality of being unlike or dissimil;We hope we can cooperate in the future这个是很标准的商务信函中的用法,没有问题的;Which is more important in life, cooperating with others, or selecting competition? The answer may vary from person to person For many people, to work with other people can increase working efficiency They;with others During our life and study,Cooperation with others plays a very important role问题七“与别人很好的合作,提高工作效率”英文怎么说 well cooperating with others will make you work more efficient;cooperate读音英 k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t 美 ko#712ɑp#601#716ret意思vi合作,配合,协助v合群互助结合变形过去式cooperated过去分词cooperated现在分词coope。


collaboratingcooperating共同运转的 协作的 childishimmature孩子气的, 幼稚的 considerationaccount体谅, 考虑, 需要考虑的事项, 报酬 appallingdreadful令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的 anyhowanyway无论如何;cooperate 英k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t美ko#712ɑp#601#716retvi合作,配合,协助v合群 互助 结合第三人称单数cooperates过去分词cooperated现在进行时cooperating过去。

if u want to apply for paying ,please apply one week in advance,i will ask the manager for authorizing on every Monday You may not ask for applying if there is no emergency Thank you for cooperating;cooperating英k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t#618#331美ko#650#39#594p#601re#618t#618#331adj共同运转的,协同操作的v合作,配合,协助 cooperate的现在分词;I used to think cooperating is a waste of time,句子成分不完整,缺少主语,谓语。

cooperate 英k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t美ko#712ɑp#601#716retvi合作,配合,协助v合群 互助 结合第三人称单数cooperates 现在进行时cooperating 过去式cooperated;表示合作,我一直都喜欢用 partnership 一词,因为这个词可以理解为“合作伙伴的关系”,而不仅仅是“合作”用 have been 表示动作的延续性如果这里不是 be,那么用完成进行时是非常适合的,如 have been cooperating;美式发音ko#650#712ɑ#720p#601re#618t二释义 v 合作,协作配合 n 合作,协作 三词性变化 cooperates第三人称单数cooperating现在分词cooperated过去式和过去分词四词语。

标签: cooperating



