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1、tether eg tether one#39s plan to one#39s resources 将计划限于自己财力准许的范围之内 chained He is chained to his work 他工作忙得不能分身fetteredadjfetterv 为上脚镣,束缚,抑制 fetter ***;Tether既可以指绳链,项圈,也可以指用绳子,链子栓住的动作引申的意思就是将一样东西依附于另外一样东西,或者表达两者之间的牵制作用The officer dismounted, tethering his horse to a tree这位军官下了马,把马。

2、Eg I always feel down in the dumps when I go back to work after a long weekend每次周末过后去上班的时候,我的心情都很低落At the end of your rope tether to feel very upset because you’re no;whatever it took to keep the good 是主语从句,可改写含定语从句的名词短语 everything which it took to keep the good主句是 whatever will of his tether to life,其中助动词 will 不能单独作谓语动词,应该是丢;USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元USD的代币Tether USD下称USDT,1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行11兑换Tether公司严格遵守11准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的;”二刻拍案惊奇卷二一“次日袁忠到帅府中哭告吴帅_‘昨夜被统领官盛彦劫去银四百锭,且被绑缚,伏乞追还究治’”三国语词典捆绑拴缚词语翻译英语totieup,tobind,totether,bondageBDSM_。

3、tether eg tether one#39s plan to one#39s resources 将计划限于自己财力准许的范围之内 chained He is chained to his work 他工作忙得不能分身fetteredadjfetterv 为上脚镣,lt喻束缚,抑制 fetter sb;USDT由Bitfinex 组建的 Tether Limited 发行,于2014年推出的一种与美元锚定的加密货币,是现在应用最广的稳定币,是最为著名的稳定币,也是市场共识最高的稳定币截止目前2018828,加密货币市值排名第六,市值约40;At the end of their tether, and able to extricate themselves, is not weak!26任何时候我都要把自己的心灵调出一个合适的温度I have to put your mind at any time finding a suitable temperature27生活的;首先用数据线连接电脑和手机手机必须连接能上网的无线,或者开启了移动数据上网功能然后找到“设置”打开设置后选择“网络和连接”里面的“更多连接方式”在这里面选择“USB共享网络”成功后,“USB共享网络”选项呈;你好,同学 正确翻译圣诞节是全家人应该在一起相聚的特殊节日the whole family 是全家人的意思,前面应该加the,也可以说是固定用法吧,如 the whole day 一整天 the whole morning 整个一上午 希望能帮到你,祝更上。


4、山穷水尽 1be at the end of one#39s tether 2the end of hills and rivers at the end of one#39s tether 3to be at one#39s last shift to be at the end of one#39s means 例句利昂失了业,身无分;at the end of his rope 的意思是“束手无策”“筋疲力尽”或“忍无可忍”,也作at the end of one#39s row 或at the end of one#39s tether 2 Their washing machine has long been at the end of the road;现在已经统一,是一样的地址Erc20充币地址与ETH充币地址已统一后续,您充值Erc20币种到ETH充值地址,系统将自动识别并上账同时,系统升级前,原有Erc20币种充值地址,仍接受充值并可上账USDTERC20是Tether泰达公司;s of my business 例OK, you#39re in trouble, but it#39s of my business6it doesn#39t have anything to do with me 例OK, you#39re leaving But it doesn#39t have anything to do with me。

标签: tether.to



