tokenbalance翻译_token economy翻译

日期: 频道:新闻资讯 阅读:55

Cook soldiers on the table to get places at the same timeoff personnel left over to the soldiers say This is our token, you have worked hard, I thank you on behalf of the people in the disaster are。

决定弹性的汇率 现在超过其beneflts 由智路 人民币升值,作为sotne已推 荷兰为,将不会工作,以纠正giobai sav 荷兰投资的不平衡,正如我说,在 2007年春季的问题,配合最近银行 enghmd的研究论文已增添了一个新。

Third, it is auspicious jade token Europeans in Asia in addition to jade that hung on the waist of the efficacy of kidney disease are cured, the view that in addition to jade decorative features, there a。

balanceOf 返回由_owner 持有的NFTs的数量 ownerOf 返回tokenId代币持有者的地址 approve 授予地址_to具有_tokenId的控制权,方法成功后需触发Approval 事件 setApprovalForAll 授予地址_。

balance of reaction The SO2 oxidizes to respond to is a can go against of put hot reactionSO2+ SO2 SO3+Q According to quality function laws, its equilibrium constant can in token of as follows。

Zhao a point of the fish added to their table, our current account balanceZhang boss Yes, no problem At this point the guests and Wang Xu also found that the owner stoppedWang Xu of we have to。

Third, it is auspicious jade token Europeans in Asia in addition to jade that hung on the waist of the efficacy of kidney disease are cured, the view that in addition to jade decorative features, there。

原文链接Deploy an Upgradeable ERC20 Token1译文出自登链翻译计划2译者翻译小组3 ,校对Tiny 熊4概述在部署后能。

原文链接Cheatsheet译文出自登链翻译计划1译者翻译小组2 ,校对Tiny 熊3本文永。

s token balance is entered with the BPs, who see that it is a properly formed order by an assigned Arbitrator on an open arbitration case。

tokenbalance翻译_token economy翻译


Deposit wrapped翻译过来就是以平衡比例存入所有代币存入全 合约会按实时的价格,发送95322个iearn token到你的地址,每个。

s EOS Token balance andor any initial balances in blockchains created by third parties Moreover, any third party that gains access to。


标签: tokenbalance翻译



