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作道德讲,意思是差不多的,ethical standard 和 moral standard 都是可以的ethical 更强调合乎伦理上的,可以放在be动词后面作表语,但moral只能放在名词前做形容词 moral 强调道德道义上的,基于道义的,品德行上;而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲“限塑令The new standard of plastic bags的制定和执行亦可转换成工作问题,讲“劳工法”The Labor Law以上方法技巧就是教你。

Jilin Province Department of Education to teach Jiword 2000 No 1 document quotwhere the ideological and ethical performance including social practice qualified, sports have reached the required standard, the;ethic #39eθikn1 伦理学,道德学伦理观 2 伦理标准道德体系,道德规范,道德标准,职业上的规矩某一单位,团体的行为准则 adj 伦理的道德的等于ethical。

not to be ignored, in moral plays an important role in building, it has its own characteristics language translation with other industries, have more occupational qualities, Ye shall Zunxun ethical principles;规范管理和检验,在一个一致的得分,或“标准”的方式,标准化考试的设计以这样一种方式的问题,环境管理,评分和解释是一致的程序,并管理和在预定的得分方式,标准健康或福利是一个人或一组条件的总称,例如他们的社会。

use是动词,所以这里应该改为usage,名词 We should reduce the usage of phosphoruscontaining washing powderGovernment should also take measures to regular manufacturersFor example,reduce the domestic sewage emission,an;作道德讲,意思是差不多的,ethical standard 和 moral standard 都是可以的ethical 更强调合乎伦理上的,可以放在be动词后面作表语,但moral只能放在名词前做形容词 moral 强调道德道义上的,基于道义的,品德行上的除。

Ideally, CSR policy would function as a builtin, selfregulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure its support to law, ethical standards, and international norms Consequently, business would embrace;we have to admit that, China#39s national moral standard in declining the fact The solution of moral problems have been crunch time, first, the state should formulate relevant laws and regulations, punish from。


作道德讲,意思是差不多的,ethical standard 和 moral standard 都是可以的ethical 更强调合乎伦理上的,可以放在be动词后面作表语,但moral只能放在名词前做形容词 moral 强调道德道义上的,基于道义的,品德行上的;Ethics of quotexpansionquot with the ethical standards of the quotweakeningquotquot21st century is very likely is a century of ethicsquot This assertion that the rich deep insights in contemporary, moral issues are being。

Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles 11奥林匹克宗旨是通过与奥林匹克主义及其所倡导的价值一致;作道德讲,意思是差不多的,ethical standard 和 moral standard 都是可以的ethical 更强调合乎伦理上的,可以放在be动词后面作表语,但moral只能放在名词前做形容词 moral 强调道德道义上的,基于道义的,品德行上的除了。

标签: ethicalstandard



