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emitted 英#618#39m#618t#618d 美#618#39m#618t#618dv 发出,放出 emit的过去式和过去分词 例句Polly blinked and emitted a long, low whistle波莉眨了眨眼,吹了一声低沉而悠长的口哨其他 原型 emit。

E3 = binding energy of emitted Auger electron翻译如下若有错误请指出俄歇电子 俄歇电子具有特征性能量,其能量与释放俄歇电子的原子中的电子转移有关俄歇电子的释放是释放特征性x射线的替代形式俄歇电子的能量EA可由下面式子得出EA = E1 E2 E3,其中,E1=具有内壳层空位的原子。

permitmit是重读闭音节,所以要双写t再加ed或ing allow low是元音结尾,直接加ed或ing 类似admitadmitted admitting。

Atomic spectrum is composed of a series of light emitted or absorbed by the electron inside the atom during energy change The discontinuity of the atomic spectrum indicates the quantization of the electron energy, the study of atomic spectrum is one of the important means of probing。

the less carbon dioxide will be emitted into the air Third, when you are shopping, select the goods with simple package If we select the goods with simple package, we will produce less garbage and thus reduce carbon emission resulting from burning the garbage And don#39t forget。

The head of Li Wang emitted and close of sweat He quietly stay where they were about ten minutes Suddenly, a familiar pressure coming from behind Ahem Li Wang couldn#39t resist a cough Hee hee, fun, fun, ride Malaysia, ride Malaysia A child laughing sound coming from behind Li。

1 The beam that is emitted by a laser differs in several ways from the light that comes out of a flashlight 发出的光束,在几个方面激光与从发出的光手电筒2The agreement on banning nuclear weapons is necessary for global peace关于禁止核武器是必要的,但世界和平3 Some foreign。



Avoid exposurelaser radiation is emitted from this aperture 避免接触 这个孔中会发出激光辐射 Avoid exposure是指避免暴露在激光中,也可以翻译成避免照射之类的 因此危险 下面是说她的激光功率的参数。

题目Environmental protection Nowadays, the environment becomes worse and worse as people don#39t care about environmental protection The rivers are polluted as we can see factories pour poisonous chemicals in to water Greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide are emitted。

以下是我为大家整理的however的用法,希望能帮助大家更好地掌握however的用法,提高英语水平Note, however that remote sensing also involves the sensing of emitted energy and the use of nonimaging sensors这里的however后面跟了一个that从句,我不太明白这里的however的用法,把它翻译成什么比较好。


Pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary Usually, primary pollutants are substances directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factoriesSecondary pollutants。

So that the surface and the low temperature of the lower layer act similarly to the greenhouse for cultivating crops, hence the name greenhouse effectSince the industrial revolution, the heatabsorbing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emitted by humans into the atmosphere have。

发射,开火炮弹武器的射击或开火 A flowing out or pouring forth emission secretion流出,放出,排出a discharge of pus流脓 The amount or rate of emission or ejection排放量流量流速,或排出量,排出的速度 Something that is discharged, released, emitted, or excreted。

标签: emitted



