ethnicgroups_ethnic groups

ethnicgroups_ethnic groups

日期: 分类:视频播放器 大小:未知 人气:36

1、ethnic 是社会学词汇,指不同人群的语言文化习俗生活方式,乃至认知方式和价值体系这些方面的不同标志着人群的不同,即不同的“民族”ethnic groups同一个 race 里可以有多个不同的 ethnic groups比如,亚洲有一百多个民族,但人种却不足十个,分布在48个国家和地区里仅中国就有56个。

2、ethnic origins use the internet for different purposes ?不同国家不同种族的消费者使用互联网的目的是不同的吗This phenomenon is widespread among children of various ethnic groups regardless of their cultural backgrounds 这种现象无论对于何种文化背景或种族的孩子来说,都是相当普遍的。

3、mostly concentrated in the northwest, north, northeast, south, and southwest but with some in central interior areasThe major minority ethnic groups are Zhuang 161 million, Manchu 106 million, Hui 98 million, Miao 89 million, Uyghur 83 million, Tujia 8。

4、Yao 26 million, Korean 19 million, Bai 18 million, Hani 14 million, Kazakh 12 million, Li 12 million, and Dai 11 millionContents hide1 Officially recognised ethnic groups in China 2 Taiwanese aborigines 3 quotUndistinguishedquot ethnic minority grou。

5、一般来说是用Ethnic,因为Nationality可代表国籍,也可代表民族,容易误会朝鲜族是Chinese Korean。

6、racial 是生物学词汇,用于与人种相关的描述ethnic 是社会学词汇,指不同人群的语言文化习俗生活方式,乃至认知方式和价值体系ethnic种族的,部落的 某文化群体的复数 ethnics 例句1They#39ve been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups他们和不同民族的。

7、6Thought on Ethnic Art Education at Present对当前民族美术教育的思考 7The state also educates all citizens in the unity of all ethnic groups同时,国家还在全体公民中广泛开展各民族大团结的宣传和教育8But as interracial dating becomes more common, it does not treat all ethnic。

8、More than 15 minority ethnic groups settled in Guizhou and most of the amazing scenic areas are located in these settled minority areas In addition to enjoying the scenery, visitors can discover the rich and varied folk customs and cultures of the different minority ethnic groups of。

9、However, due to the influence of historical climate and human factors, there are fewer and fewer ethnic groups但由于历史气候和人为因素的影响,导致民族类型越来越少At present, there are only 2 genera and 3 species of Asian elephant, African elephant and African forest elephant on。



12、回答如下所给句子有误,纠正如下The Chinese nation is a big family with formed by made up of comprised of composed of consisting of 56 nationalities ethnic groups nations 中华民族是由五十六个民族组成的大家庭Since the faraway ancient times,all our。

13、group的基本意思是“群,团体,组类”,指由很多的人或物偶然或有意组成的一个有秩序有组织的整体,有时也可指较小的“人群”,还可以指一个大型的商业机构,即“集团”或某种“类别”同根词组age group 年龄段blood group 血型discussion group 讨论小组drama group 剧团ethnic group。

ethnicgroups_ethnic groups

14、繁衍生息 multiply and live have live and multiply 中国具有五千年悠久历史在中国这块土地上,中化民族繁衍生息,各民族相互融合 China has a long history of 5000 years The Chinese people have lived and multiplied on this land, where all ethnic groups have been highly integrated。


16、MULTIETHNIC NATION China, like all other large states, is multiethnic The Han people, however, form the large majority, with about 94 percent of the population While former Chinese governments traditionally acknowledged the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Turkish, and Tibetan ethnic groups。

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