

日期: 分类:音乐播放器 大小:未知 人气:39

1、Telephone, television, radio, and telegraph all help people communicate with each other电话,电视,收音机,电报都在帮助人们彼此联系Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world借助这些设备和想法,信息在世界传播的更快For example, within。

2、你好!电杆 pole 英p#601#650l 美po#650ln 杆 物 极点,顶点 地极 两极端vt 用篙撑船,摆船vt 航海 用一根杆来推动 以杆推进 以杆支撑植物 用杆子击打戳或搅拌例句The truck crashed into a telegraph pole 卡车撞到了电线。


4、在英语中,quotGTTquot这个缩写词通常代表quotGuyana Telephone and Telegraph Companyquot,中文翻译为“圭亚那电话电报公司”这个缩写在电信和计算机领域中广泛使用,特别是在通信行业中,它代表了该公司全称的简洁形式GTT的中文拼音为quotguī yà nà diàn huà diàn bào gōng sīquot,它主要用于表示圭亚那的电话。

5、在大约下午2点,婚礼后爱迪生突然想出一个好方法来解决自动电报机的问题At about two in the afternoon是时间状语,Edison是主语,thought out是谓语,a good way是宾语,to solve the problem on automatic telegraph是动词不定式做后置定语,after the wedding也是一个时间状语在节日的夜晚,其他家人。

6、Morse gave the first human history telegram quot God created a miracle how! quotgive 读音英 ɡ#618v 美 ɡ#618vv给交给赠送赠与送给为某人提供,供给,供应 n伸展性弹性 第三人称单数 gives 现在分词 giving 过去式 gave 过去分词 given 例句She。

7、Telephone,television,radio,telegraph and the Internet all help people municate with each otherAs a result,ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the worldFor example,within seconds,people can know the results of an election in another countryAn international football match。


8、Telephone, television, radio, telegraph and the Internet all help people communicate with each other As a result, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world For example, within seconds, people can know the results of an election in another country An international。

9、Alvaro Thomas Edison ThomasAlvaEdison The United States is a worldrenowned scientists and inventorsIn addition to his gramophone Electric, telephone, telegraph, inventions and contributions to the movie, in the mining, construction,chemical and other fields to create a wellknown and a lot。

10、关于只能的英文阅读人们使用智能手机做什么呢? New research conducted by the mobile network O2 has found that people spend more time using their smartphones to surf the web, check social networks or play games, than to make actual phone calls, the Daily Telegraph reported每日。

11、现代大学英语精读5中goods move people move ideas move and cultures move 课文翻译如下Now computers, the Internet, cellular phones, cableTV, and cheaper jet transportation haveaccelerated and complicated these connections现今,计算机互联网移动电话有线电视和价格低廉的喷气式飞机空运。

12、the promotion of photography, public and proof of recording the family have been changed Telegraph, telephone and power to accelerate the exchange and communication, railway and steam locomotive changed the concept of distance, and the new visual culture photography, advertising and wi。

13、超时空转换Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived! 传送部队到达倒记时5,4,3,2,1,援军到达! 任务版 闪电风暴lighting storm created!闪电风暴已经生成! 苏联矿车war miner is here!战斗矿车在此!汗! 天启坦克it is the judgement day!今天就是审判日。

14、译文互联网的兴起在哪一方面与印刷术及电报的发明相类似句型是In what way is A similar to BA与B在哪方面是相似的,只要把A和B分别换成the rise of the Internet 和the invention of the printing press and the telegraph就行了。


15、envoyé 应该是这个吧 先说翻译吧 一段讯息 是主语 它是从巴黎送出的 是通过电报送出的 在11分钟之后 被传送到距离***你应该是没摘全35公里的地方顺着来一遍 一段从巴黎,通过电报发送出来的讯息,在11分钟之后被发送到距离***35公里远的地方现在说 envoyé 这个是 送信 发送的。

16、the development of the information society to make communication a higher demand, people are no longer satisfied with simple voice and text communications, Set hope that the voice, text and image integration of multimedia communications This is the telegraph, the telephone, fax and e。

标签: telegraph翻译



